Contipso Catalog provides a completely free set of tools through which you can quickly build a modern interactive online course, publish it for enrollment and start reaping the benefits of your knowledge.
You set the value you think is sufficient for your efforts. Contipso adds a percentage to the price you set and thus forms the final amount in the catalog. When someone buys access to the course you created, you get the price you requested.
You use the entire Contipso infrastructure for free and owe nothing. When learners trust you, your account accumulates funds that you can withdraw..
Your professional experience is the only thing that determines what to include in your course. Students choose and evaluate the best.
Join the community of authors of training and digital content. You will receive a lot of advice, good practices and help in creating courses and elements.
A tool that provides you with everything you need to build digital content.
Ready-made both free and paid design templates, photos, videos, audio and other digital products needed to build an online course.
Gain from your popularity as an author and trainer. Expand your recognition as an expert in your subject area.
When you promote your digital learning and create your community of followers, you will be able to determine when, how, where and how much to work. It is wonderful to do something that makes sense and decide for yourself when to do it.
GET STARTED NOWContipso gives you a fully integrated technology solution in which, through Contipso Author, you can develop great interactive courses using ready-made templates.
With Contipso Market you always have at hand all the necessary materials to build your online course - images, video and audio materials, as well as specialized e-learning elements such as templates, interactive elements and even ready-made training content.
Contipso Catalog gives you the opportunity to reach a wide audience of students who have decided to enroll in online training. Contipso LMS is an efficient and fully integrated online learning system that allows you to easily manage the learning process and communicate with learners.
A fully completed and integrated intermodular tool for the creation of interactive multimedia learning content.
In addition, you get the ability to build an adaptive design for access from a variety of devices, a wide variety of effects, easy time chart management, easy learning path management and direct access to Contipso Market..
A learning process management system that allows you to provide self-paced courses, with the help of a teacher or with a fixed schedule.
In addition to these basic functionalities, you get full integration with Contipso Author, updating the content with one click, working with a team of teachers, grouping courses into programs, easy management of a large volume of courses and the ability to create virtual audio and video consultations.
A specialized catalog in which you can find many templates and elements as well as ready-made training content, through which you can quickly and professionally build your fascinating online course..
In the catalog you can find a variety of audio materials, online courses and training sites, as well as the opportunity to order or perform unique content.